The Educational Innovation Group Mathematical Thinking organized on 17th and 18th of June 2016 the fourth edition of the International Conference “Mathematics Everywhere´´. Some of the articles presented in this Conference are published in this number besides other that we receive during these last six months.
Título: Créditos editoriales, Índice de artículos y Editorial del Número 1 (Vol. VII)
Author: Equipo Editorial |
This paper proposes a system of distribution of the seats that is more balanced than the one applied in the Spanish elections. To do this, a distribution based in a largest remainder system (the Hare quotient) is performed. This yields a system that is more proportional than the D’Hont law. But the main contribution of the paper is the change in the order of the distribution of the seats: first an assignation of the seats in a general level is done and then the seats earned by each party are distributed along the circumscriptions. This avoids the loss of votes that the small parties suffer in each circumscription with the current system.
Título: Una propuesta de fórmula electoral matemáticamente justa
Authors: Javier Rodrigo Hitos y Mariló López González |
Water flow glazings are characterized by a water chamber which absorbs solar energy and transports it to a buffer tank. In this way, the envelope of the building harvests energy as a solar collector. Generally, control systems of buildings are centralized and energy strategies are previously designed.
Título: Control centralizado y descentralizado de edificaciones mediante acristalamientos activos
Authors: Belén Moreno y Juan A. Hernández |
Teaching Experiences
In this paper, the authors present a critical reflection about teaching cross curricular subject on political education that can be included in the Statistics teaching units during the latest years of the Secondary Education and the A-level. At the same time we expect to make more interesting these contents to the students, which are usually taught at the end of the academic year, strengthening team work, research and ICT`s use.
Título: Crítica democrática, una asignatura pendiente
Authors: Elena Misa Borrego y Juan Núñez Valdés |
Statistics is starting to play a more relevant role in the developement of modern societies. The stock market crash, election studies, management and classification of data, science of data or “Big Data´´ are only some examples that show how necessary is to have a solid statistical culture in order to analyse our environment with a critical point of view.Due to of these reasons, the goal of the following paper is to make a proposal to improve Statistics didactics. That will allow us to handle a big volume of real data, make easier the interpretation of graphs, the critical analysis of results and reduce the usage of calculators. For that purpose we will use free software destined to superior studies nowadays.
Título: Didáctica con R, menos cuentas y más pensamiento crítico
Author: Alejandro Galindo Alba |
The society has evolved and this also included the education, traditional methodologies (behaviorist) no longer generate a desire to learn but rather boredom and demotivation, hence new and better strategies are necessary to carry out the teaching-learning process, one of these is the application of educational games in the classroom. This work provides an analysis of different issues related with the play in learning, allowing an idea of the role they can have when there are more institutions that make use of it as a way of teaching.
Título: Aplicación de juegos didácticos como metodología de enseñanza: Una Revisión de la Literatura
Author: Bryan Montero Herrera |
Teaching Experiences
Florence Nightingale (1820−1910) is known primarily as the founder of modern nursing and for her contribution to the reform of the health conditions in field hospitals. She was also a pioneer in the visual representation of information: with her techniques she showed that a good use of statistics can lead to improvements in medical practices.
Título: Matemáticas para entender los fenómenos sociales: los trabajos pioneros de Florence Nightingale
Author: Marta Macho Stadler |
In this paper, we apply both, statistical techniques and data analysis, to the current scenario about violence against women in Europe and specifically in Spain. In particular, we analyze its evolution, visibility, other kind of violence that are classified as gender violence and how other factors might influence, like age, studies level, work situation or prevention assigned budget in it.
Título: Estudio estadístico sobre la violencia de género
Authors: Concepción López Baissón y Lucía Inglada-Pérez |
The present article depicts a brief overview on the different aspects that participate of the concept of precision in a slide rule. It focuses on studying the particularities about error in calculations with scales and its propagation, given the special nature of the slide rule and its operation. Later, proposes a general methodology to evaluate and compare from a theoretical point of view, the performance of the different scales used in slide rules, and to evaluate alternative methods for the same computation. Finally this article presents some general conclusions to take into account when designing or using slide rules.
Título: Precisión en las Reglas de Cálculo
Author: Jorge Luis Victoria |
Games and Mathematical Oddities
In the centenary of de Karl Schwarzschild`s death, we deal the influence of his metric in cosmology, focusing in the relativistic description of the notion of black hole.
Título: Schwarzschild y la trama de nuestro universo: cien años de perspectiva
Author: José Rojo Montijano |
An architectural project could be used to inspire a musical production in many different ways. In this article, we propose an innovative way to create a musical piece that is inspired by the combination of the essence of architectural design and geometry.
Título: Música, en clave geométrica, para una obra arquitectónica
The following study aims to measure the level of anxiety towards mathematics on students of a nautical school in Veracruz and it is founded on the seminal work of Fennema y Sherman (1976) and the recent studies of García-Santillán, Escalera y Venegas (2013, 2014, 2015). To achieve this end, the instrument used was the scale of Muñoz and Mato (2007), which measures five factors: anxiety towards evaluation, temporality, numbers and maths operations, understanding of maths problems and mathematical situations in daily life. The poll was applied face to face to 202 students of different academic years of the Fernando Siliceo nautical school in the city of Veracruz. The internal consistency was…
Título: Factores que determinan el nivel de ansiedad hacia la matemática en alumnos de nivel superior
Authors: Arturo García-Santillán, Jutta Schnell y Jesica Ramos-Hernández |
Mathematical Tales
This illustrated story shows how mathematic parametrization of surfaces can be a very interesting pedagogical tool, that offers lots of possibilities to develop students` creativity.
Título: Parametrizando mundos de fantasía
Authors: Patricia Minguito y Ascensión Moratalla |
Dido solved the first isoperimetric problem of the history, cutting an oxhide in strips, tying them and surrounding with the resulting rope the portion of land where Cartago was to be built. However, her exploit can be improved, and one can show how by cutting a postcard in such a way that a person is able to pass through it.
Título: La postal de Dido
Author: Franco Bagnoli |
Critics and Reviews
This article is a review of the book “Adventures of a mathematician´´. The book is a biography of the Polish mathematician Stanislaw M. Ulam, one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the twentieth century, who died in May 1984. Ulam was one of the scientists who participated in the Manhattan Project, the codename of a scientific project carried out during World War II by the United States with the help of the United Kingdom and Canada. The final objective of the project was the development of the first atomic bomb before Nazi Germany got it. Ulam made several contributions to mathematics, most notably the development of the Monte Carlo method with John Von Neumann.
Título: Aventuras de un matemático. Memorias de Stanislaw M. Ulam
Author: Santiago Higuera de Frutos |
Last January 26th, 2017 Argentinian mathematician Vera Martha Winitzky of Spinadel died. She was known by many of us and participant in the CONGRESOS INTERNACIONALES DE MATEMÁTICAS EN INGENIERÍA Y ARQUITECTURA, Grupo MAIC in E.T.S.I. Caminos UPM.As a tribute and homage to this mathematician dedicated to Shapes and Design, to Fractals and Chaos, to Metallic Means and Golden Mean in the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires for 70 years, we reproduce the following text “With the head in the clouds: interview with Vera Spinadel´´ published by Camila Offenhenden, Nadia Horta and Omar Grandoso in the magazine IF.
Título: Vera Spinadel
Authors: Camila Offenhenden, Nadia Horta y Omar Grandoso |