Volume II. Number 2. October 2012

This issue of Mathematical Thinking Journal is dedicated to the more relevant articles adjusted with its aim, which were presented during the 2nd edition of the International Congress Mathematics Everywhere. This edition of the Congress was celebrated in the International Center of Mathematical Meetings (CIEM) which is established in Castro Urdiales, Cantabria (Spain) and financed the meeting.

Title: Créditos editoriales, Índice de artículos y Editorial del Número 2 (Vol. II)
Author: Equipo Editorial
Teaching Experiences Las Matemáticas y la Arquitectura están íntimamente relacionadas. Pretendemos en este trabajo demostrar cómo a partir de dos cuádricas regladas clásicas como son el hiperboloide de una hoja y el paraboloide hiperbólico y sus secciones, obtenemos distintas figuras geométricas que se pueden utilizar como cubiertas.Las Matemáticas no son solamente una herramienta de cálculo para poder diseñar la obra en cuestión, pretendemos destacar la importancia de éstas en el gran avance arquitectónico en cuanto a modernidad se refiere. El programa Mathematica resulta de gran ayuda para visualizar las propiedades y la forma de generar esas superficies.
Title: Transformando Cuádricas Regladas
Authors: Josefa Marín, Amparo Verdú y José Luis Almazán

Existe de modo creciente una notable inquietud por el control de la calidad en el tiempo, lo que ha dado lugar a la búsqueda de métodos capaces de abordar eficazmente el análisis de la fiabilidad. Los estudios de Grado y Máster de Ingeniería suelen ofrecer asignaturas tales como Estadística, Estadística Industrial, Control y Gestión de la Calidad o similares, donde se estudia la importancia de la fiabilidad y la calidad de los sistemas. En el ejercicio de sus atribuciones los ingenieros deberían desarrollar una nueva forma de pensar. El pensamiento estadístico es una manera de pensar, de comportarse, de actuar, de trabajar, de interacción con otros.acting with others.
Title: La importancia del pensamiento estadístico en la Ingeniería de Fiabilidad
Authors: Raquel Caro y Fernando García Jiménez

We analyze the influence of computer algebra packages in the learning of mathematics courses the first year of Industrial Engineering and after using the results obtained (Castellano, Jimenez, Urosa, 2011) in the adaptation of this discipline to the new degree Grade European Space, conducted a second phase where we look back this influence and the adequacy of measures taken in this regard on the learning of students in grade in the area of mathematical calculation.
Title: El buen uso de los paquetes de Cálculo Simbólico en la Enseñanza Aprendizaje del Cálculo en Ingeniería
Authors: Alicia Castellano García, Ángela Jiménez Casas y Belén Urosa Sanz

Improving Mathematics Teaching at any educational level is doable, according to the authors of the current text. Because of that, they approach on the current situation and they show several proposals in order to improve the quality of Mathematics Teaching as well as the whole academic profile of the students.
Title: ¿Se Puede Mejorar la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas en Cualquiera de sus Niveles?
Authors: Manuel Ceballos, Juan Núñez y María Luisa Rodríguez

The matching theory provides concepts and tools necessary to resolve problems consisting of establishing couples formed by elements of two different sets or belonging to the same set. We use this theory to help the advisory team of the Spanish Ambassador, which elects the speakers who will participate in a preparatory meeting for the annual ministerial review of social and economic conference of the UN.
Title: Estrategias matemáticas en la ONU
Authors: Cristina Jordán Lluch, Esther Sanabria Codesal y María José Pérez Peñalver
Mathematical Stories This article aims to provide a description of mathematics during the period when the nazi party ruled Germany and aimed to rule the whole of Europe. From 1933, when the nazis came to power, lot of people were forced to flee, were deported or sent abroad, transported in massive numbers to concentration camps, and there were murders or suicides of teachers and researchers of jewish origin in their vast majority, events that had a profound effect on mathematics.
Title: Nazis y Matemáticas. Crónica de una Barbarie
Author: José Manuel Sánchez Muñoz

Some equations are good models in physical problems far from each other. Some mathematical models assume an abstraction underlying different theories and even in different scientific branches. Some theories are born in a scientific environment. But whether they are moved into another, they become very productive, and even growing. Some examples of each case are here formulate, the strategy of they construction are also indicated. Also I shall try here to sketch its value as scientific tool.
Title: Ecuaciones, teorías y ciencias que las usan
Author: Rosa María Herrera

We live in a world of images where Mathematics is a science unknown by the society probably because in general IT IS UNSEEN. Nevertheless Mathematics forms a part of the culture and has developed parallel to the rest of the human knowledge, influencing other disciplines, some of them of visual nature. In this article it is a question of forming the importance and beauty of Mathematics through images used with purposes very different to the teaching of it.
Title: Una Visión Matemática: Matemáticas en Imágenes
Authors: Sagrario Lantarón y Mariló López

Paradoxes play an essential role in the development of science. Many mathematical ideas are based on the reflection motivated by situations seemingly “crazy´´. In this article we review some specific examples of paradoxes related to mathematics.
Title: Matemáticas a través de la paradoja
Author: Marta Macho Stadler
Mathematical Tales In the dark loneliness of his office, a mathematician faces the last challenge of his lifetime. Suicide could be a perfect solucion, elegant, similar to the resolution of his favorite problems. Tired of his life, just had a broken heart that led him to commit this desperate act. Can mathematics help him overcome this?.
Title: Fermat
Author: Berardo Castiñeira de Aragón
Investigation The library provides a framework Labbtex flexibility to mix text and code Matlab for Automatic generation of documents. A single source file containing the text of documentation and Matlab code, to run the application generate a final document LaTeX containing text, graphics and tables indicated with the format of a document LaTeX . Matlab code generates a LaTeX document using the syntax. Thus, LaTeX (for text composition bond) and Matlab (for calculation mathematical) can be used simultaneously. This allows the generation of reports real time with minimum resource use.
Title: Labbtex: Toolbox para generación de informes en LaTeX para Matlab
Authors: Francisco Soler, Nicoletta González, Alberto Camarero, Mª Carmen Palomino y José Luis Almazán

The conical perspective we will analyze and reconstruct, using the DGS Geogebra, is the space of the missing Alcázar of Madrid where takes place one of the most famous scenes of spanish painting: the family of Mr. King Philip Quarto better known as Las Meninas. The result is a set of integrated activities in the curriculum of secondary education geometry.
Title: Matemáticas en el Arte: La Geometría del Espacio en Las Meninas
Author: Jesús Hernando Pérez

Having a reference for everyday actions based on personal or professional experience, or even on known data from previous studies, allow us to approximate solutions to complex problems and easies the foresight of required resources. The orders of magnitude seem to be suitable as a reference, as they are studied in the compulsory education and give an initial idea of haw valid such measures are, certainly providing a basic skill to be included in the catalog of universities.
Title: Estimación de magnitudes
Authors: David Díaz Gutiérrez y Rocío Garrido Martos

The current paper introduces the development of a virtual agent or chatbot, whose knowledge domain belongs to the contents of an academic subject. The goal of the process is to achieve interaction between the application and the student, and, therefore, to help him in his learning process.
Title: Agente Virtual Inteligente Aplicado a un Entorno Educativo
Authors: Celia Gómez Róspide y Cristina Puente Águeda
Games and Mathematical Oddities Besides the classic manipulation-based games that require considerable manual skill, there is another branch of illusionism that relies on more subtle procedures. Among them are gaining prominence in recent years those whose origins are mathematical concepts, some of them extremely simple, others quite complex. Thus was born what has been called Mathemagic.
Title: Un poco de Matemagia
Author: José María Navas
Cri­tics and Reviews As the result of the activities organized by Educational Innovation Group Mathematical Thinking, members of this decided to publish “Mathematical Images´´.
Title: Imágenes Matemáticas – Mariló López, Javier Rodrigo y José Manuel Sánchez
Author: Equipo Editorial
Interviews En el verano de 2012 tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a la matemática Adela Salvador, que no sólo se ha preocupado de la enseñanza de la materia en Institutos o Universidades, sino que también ha realizado importantes investigaciones en el campo de la Lógica Borrosa -entre otros- y especializado en la vida de otras Mujeres Matemáticas que la precedieron. Lleva dando clases unos 45 años, de forma ininterrumpida. Ha dirigido, coordinado o colaborado con más de 83 proyectos de investigación o de innovación educativa. Ha escrito 76 libros, 116 artículos, 94 ponencias a congresos, y ha impartido montones de cursos, seminarios, conferencias durante todos esos años.
Title: Adela Salvador. Una vida dedicada a las Matemáticas
Author: Nieves Martín Díaz


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