This number of “Mathematical Thinking” Journal, presents some articles about different aspects related to Mathematics, not only from a formal o theorical point view but Maths applied to different areas such as engineering or physics.
Título: Créditos editoriales, Índice de artículos y Editorial del Número 1 (Vol. VIII)
Autor: Equipo Editorial
The measure of sustainability takes into account the impact that social, economic and environmental factors can produce. This job presents the development of a methodology and software using fuzzy logic for the evaluation of social, economic and environmental sustainability of projects to pretend to come by a global sustainability evaluation.
Título: Lógica Borrosa para la Evaluación de la Sostenibilidad
Autores: Raúl Martín Bonilla y Luis Garmendia Salvador
Teaching Experiences
This paper presents an experience in the classroom that tries to motivate the students of 3rd and 4th of ESO from Applied Mathematics. Our goal is to get the students to develop their own problems to practice with the solution of systems of equations. The paper shows some of these problems created by the students, as well as some improvement proposals for this work.
Título: Auto-creación de problemas para la resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones en Matemáticas
Autor: Óscar Jesús Falcón Ganfornina
Mathematical Stories
In this paper we study the infinitesimal methods to calculate quadratures and cubatures developed by Cavalieri, Torricelli, Fermat and Pascal in the first middle of XVII century. Several examples to ilustrate the methods are given. These methods played an important role in the birth of Infinitesimal Calculus what happened at the last years of the century.
Título: Los métodos infinitesimales para el cálculo de cuadraturas y cubaturas
Autor: José María Ayerbe Toledano
The objective of this divulgation paper is to present a historical overview of the evolution of Number Theory and its current importance for Mathematics and Science. It is directed at a wide audience; in the case of the mathematical experts we hope that the information provided serves as a complement to the formality: theorem – proof and in the case of the scientis an illustration of human fascination with numbers.
Título: Teoría de Números: De Ciencia pura a Ciencia aplicada
Autor: Jaime J. Gutiérrez G.
Games and Mathematical Oddities
In this article, we seek to study of the Beta function (B(x, y)). This function is within the transcendental functions and has two independent variables. The function will be studied when these variables are positive integers, and an expression for the function will be obtained as a sum of combinatorial numbers.
Título: La función Beta, como suma de números combinatorios
Autor: Alfredo Olmos Hernández
We present a curiosity from the field of the Arithmetic. It is easy to state and to check it, but its resolution involves elementary and no so elementary mathematical tools. We explore some questions addressed to this statement and leave other questions as an exercise for the reader.
Título: Un cuadrado, cuatro números
Autores: Carlos D’Andrea y Adrián Paenza
Mathematical Tales
This issue continues with the publication of the awarded tales in the First Mathematical Short Tales Contest “π-ensa” organized by the Mathematics Museum Workshop Classroom “π-ensa” during the 2015-2016 course. This tale awarded a special jury award in the high school and college student category. All information on the contest is available on the website of the Classroom
Título: 73
Autora: Tatiana Cociu
Critics and Reviews
The paper presents a report about the experience of three students in the 4ºESO+EMPRESA project, for High School students.
Título: Nuestra experiencia en el programa “4ºESO+EMPRESA”
Autores: Silvia Cano, Daniel Chavero y Daniel Martínez
Teaching is always a complicated task, and doing it with little resources in a small village school is still more complicated. Moralzarzal is a small village in the northwest of Madrid. Manuel Alonso has been teaching there for more than thirty-five years, combining the professor work with that of the school director. The quality of his work and his human quality, are shown by the respect and affection with which he is recognized in the town, by his former students, their parents, the village authorities and all the people who have known him. Moralzarzal organizes a literary narrative award named Don Manuel since 2005. This interview tries to reveal some of the keys that have allowed Manuel Alonso to elevate the work of teaching to the category of an art.
Título: Don Manuel: el arte de enseñar en una pequeña escuela
Autor: Santiago Higuera de Frutos