Volume III. Number 1. April 2013

In this new issue of the Mathematical Thinking Journal, we present several articles which focus on the relevance of maths in different fields like educational pedagogy, arquitecture or sculpture, criptology, topography, social sciences, music, collaborative estratagies in theory of games or even poetry.

Title: Créditos editoriales, Índice de artículos y Editorial del Número 1 (Vol. III)
Author: Equipo Editorial
Teaching Experiences With the aim to involve students in their learning process so that they can identify the need for the contents of our mathematical lectures, we have designed a short practical classroom task in the first course of the Civil Engineering degree at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. The students have to do a research in small groups about the applications of conics and quadrics through web. After that task, they must choose several applications and elaborate a small presentation to share with the rest of groups. The last thing they have to do is to assess the task, which has had a shared responsibility between the lecturer and the groups and it has been organised as a contest, including a prize for the best group. In this paper, we will show the detailed description of the process, the results that we have obtained, the degree of satisfaction of the students and the staff with the experience, the problems that we have detected and the proposals of improvement.
Title: La web, las aplicaciones de las Matemáticas y las metodologías activas: Una propuesta para el aula
Authors: María José Pérez Peñalver, Cristina Jordán Lluch y Esther Sanabria Codesal

In this document, it is considered, on the one hand, the skills of the students of first year of Bachillerato (16- 17 years old) in solving exercises involving limits, and in the other hand, the notions which these students have acquired in the “Limits and continuity´´ didactic unit. For that purpose, a questionnaire is proposed to those pupils, and the answers are analyzed.
Title: Competencias en límites: esquemas conceptuales y resolución de ejercicios
Author: Daniel de la Barrera Mayoral

Mathematics is related to many aspects of architecture. The most obvious relationship is as a computation tool in the structures or installation analysis. However, the use of maths in the design of architectural works is not an issue as usual and just it is the topic of our study.
Title: Diseñar una obra en arquitectura desde un punto de vista matemático
Authors: M. Carmen Gómez-Collado, Jaume Puchalt, Joel Sarrió, Macarena Trujillo
History of Mathematics This article considers the importance of the German Enigma and Lorenz codes cracking by the allies through the analitical work developed by many mathematicians, which had vital consequences for the nazi defeat in the 2nd World War, shortening it by around two years.
Title: Criptología Nazi. Los Códigos Secretos de Hitler
Author: José Manuel Sánchez Muñoz

The “Lezioni accademiche´´ by Torricelli are a set of divulgative lessons in which the Italian mathematician drew a sketch of several of his scientific ideas, some of them innovative, for instance: the general circulation of the atmosphere. His ironic and informal style allowed him to express ideas, which otherwise under the circumstances, would have been almost impossible. These notes provide some examples. Also I shall try here to sketch its value as scientific tool.
Title: Las “Lecciones Académicas” de Evangelista Torricelli
Author: Rosa María Herrera
Mathematical Stories The reader contacts with topics related to Topography as the REDNAP through this tale. It is a fantastic story in which the author, the reader and topographic elements converse.
Title: De clavos y otros seres
Author: José Miguel Bel Martínez
Investigation An optimal toolbox: NNtex, which is based on Matlab software is developed in this paper. With the NNtex, the users can process and calculate the data through the simple operations. Through the built-in neural network toolbox in the NNtex, the users can optimize and calculate the input data and get the visual output and analysis results , including tables and figures. At the same time, by adopting the optimization algorithm, the models uses less memory space and has a fast operation, and for large-scale data it can also get the operation result in short time. The NNtex toolbox is applicable to be used in every field of science, and is convenient used for scientific and technological personnel, and it will have a good social value.
Title: NNtex: A toolbox to use the Neural Networks in an easy way
Authors: Xuefei Li, Alberto Camarero Orive, Francisco Soler Flores y Nicoletta González Cancelas

In this work is made a mathematical study of some works of Jaume Espí sculptor. We note that there exists a close relationship between mathematics and sculpture in some cases. We also present two sculptures created by us, in whose conception and design was essential to use of the mathematics.
Title: Creación de esculturas inspiradas en el análisis matemático de la obra de Jaume Espí
Authors: M. Carmen Gómez-Collado, Jaume Puchalt, Joel Sarrió y Macarena Trujillo

In any situation of social interaction in which every individual is affected by the actions of the others, two fundamental issues arise: what is foreseeable and what is desirable, that is, what must be expected to occur and what is the preferable outcome from a social perspective. A situation in which individuals obey their own incentives and the expected outcome is socially undesirable may be called a social syndrome. Game theory provides the theoretical framework to analyze formally these questions. In this paper we considered several situations that are part of the everyday and serve as basic models for many other social pathologies.
Title: Matemáticas de Sociedad y Síndromes Sociales
Author: José-Manuel Rey

This work presents some indications about the construction of the notes in the scale as well as some notions on the consonance of two notes played simultaneously.
Title: Matemáticas en la construcción de escalas musicales
Author: Marco Castrillón López
Games and Mathematical Odditiess In this paper a proposed problem for the mathematical competition IMC is presented. This problem can be seen as a mathematical challenge but also as an example of a two player game.
Title: Un juego competitivo basado en un problema matemático
Author: Javier Rodrigo Hitos
Cri­tics and Reviews πoetas reviews the relationships that have occurred in the history between mathematics and poetry and collects the works of contemporary, spanish-speaking authors that follow and grow that tradition.
Title: πoetas, poesía con matemáticas
Author: Jesús Malia
Interview Carlos Óscar Sorzano is a researcher at CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), where he coordinates the Instruct image processing center and he is an associate professor at the Polytechnic School of San Pablo CEU University where he coordinates the new degree on Biomedical Engineering. In this way, he dedicates his professional life to the high investigation and to the University. We speak to him to discuss about these two aspects.
Title: Carlos Óscar Sorzano: entre la investigación y la docencia
Author: Equipo Editorial


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