Volume VI. Number 1. April 2016

We present the first number of the sixth volume of the “Mathematical Thinking´´ Journal. It includes some papers framed in the different sections of the Journal. The articles cover a wide range of the Mathematics topics and its applications.

Title: Créditos editoriales, Índice de artículos y Editorial del Número 1 (Vol. VI)
Author: Equipo Editorial
Teaching Experiences

A math teacher can also use the dramatic play as a tool to build and live the mathematics in the school, to ensure that their students establish emotional connections with the math concepts.

Title: “La Rebelión de los Números”: Teatro y Divulgación Matemática
Author: Antonio de la Fuente Arjona

This article presents the results of a classroom experience with Chilean secondary students focused on body mass index (BMI) analysis and the creation of advertising posters based on this information. Among the results, we highlight the importance of: innovating on the teaching of Math; using statistics projects as means to foster learning and teamwork; viewing Math applicability in advertising and prompting the development of non-Math skills.

Title: Matemática y Publicidad: Una experiencia con datos reales
Author: Danilo Díaz Levicoy
History of Mathematics

The mathematical study of the Solar System is a part of the consolidated corpus of science, at the same time is always young, some issues are well known but there are some other studies less «popular», quietly contributing to the understanding of this system. Sometimes poetic comments or situations of intrinsic beauty open the door to new insights that serve in the slow development of knowledge.

Title: Series Trigonométricas, Sistema Solar y Poesía
Author: Rosa M. Herrera

This paper shows objectively the relationship between the factorial of a natural number and the sum of several powers whose exponents are that number. These exponents are affected by coefficients that are equal to the elements of Pascal´s triangle, generating interesting equalities that I call MEMO IDENTITIES, that give zero or the factorial of a natural number as result, raising important inputs to establish mathematical relationships. This research arises from simple facts, as the successive differences of powers of natural numbers. A study of these relationships shows results that are worth being shown. The result of this work, in its relative importance, is dedicated to the memory of the autor´s father, Miguel Guillermo Vásquez Quinteros.

Title: Construcción de Identidades MEMO
Author: Marco Vinicio Vásquez Bernal
Mathematical Stories

Along the course 2015-2016 the mathematical Workshop π-ensa celebrated the first Contest of Short Tales with mathematical content “π-ensa”. All the information about the contest is included in the web page of the Workshop: http://innovacioneducativa.upm.es/museomatematicas/. This paper presents the winner tale in the first level (High School or University students).

Title: Conociendo a Cero
Author: Blanca Zunzunegui Fernández

Along the course 2015-2016 the mathematical Workshop π-ensa celebrated the first Contest of Short Tales with mathematical content “π-ensa”. All the information about the contest is included in the web page of the Workshop: http://innovacioneducativa.upm.es/museomatematicas/. This paper presents the winner tale in the second level (students of Secondary).

Title: La chica del gorro extraño
Author: Lucía Martínez López

This article presents a study of dynamic and hydraulic behavior of soil in case of dam breach flood, and a presentation of a multivariate linear regression methodology from the analysis of historical data for dam breach to obtain the peak outflow.

Title: Análisis de regresión lineal multivariable para la obtención del caudal pico de descarga en rotura de presas
Author: José Manuel Sánchez Muñoz

In this paper techniques of the Computational Geometry are applied in order to solve problems of political competition between two parties.

Title: Matemáticas y competición política
Author: Javier Rodrigo Hitos
Games and Mathematical Oddities

A popular comic is used to introduce this experiment. This sympathetic way reflection on a physical fact well known to practical level and fairly used, but whose physical fundamentals are not always understood: introducing salt in ice reduces the temperature of the mixture, and the ice melts

Title: Hielo salado y helado casero
Authors: Franco Bagnoli y Rosa M. Herrera

This article tries to make as complete description as possible of the sudoku game. Its main features, resolution strategies, levels of difficulty, multiple variants and above all, the mathematical foundation underlying it are discussed. The main objective pursued is to show the normal citizen, without specific training in mathematics, that this game is very interesting, fun and suitable for consideration by anyone, despite being a game in which “numbers are includes´´ with negative connotations that fact means for most people in general.

Title: ¿Cuánta Matemática hay en los sudokus?
Authors: Alberto Becerra Tomé, Juan Núñez Valdés y José María Perea González
Cri­tics and Reviews

The story is about Colin Singleton, a somewhat special teenager: on one hand, he is a kind of prodigy that has the obsession of transform himself into a real genius. On the other hand, he has had 19 girlfriends all of them named Katherine. The last one has just left him. Once he has finished the high school and before the beginning of the first year in the University, he has decided to begin a car trip from Chicago to who knows where. His friend Hassan (another special teenager) is going to travel with him. In a point of the road, they find the grave of the Duke Francisco Fernando that is located in the village of Gutshot. In this village they meet with Lindsey Lee Wells and her mother that hire the two guys in order to do some works for her. At the time he works for Lindsay´s mother, Colin tries to prove a conjecture that allows predicting the duration of a couple relation. He considers as a start point the data obtained from his 19 relations with Katherines.

Title: Informe sobre el libro “El teorema Katherine”
Author: Equipo Editorial

Jesús and Patricia work in Dynamical Systems, they are experts in Celestial Mechanics, but not only, they are also good professors of very good Mathematics. The following notes are a pleasant conversation; which reveals their interesting activity.

Title: Patricia Yanguas y Jesús Palacián: Una pareja matemática
Author: Rosa M. Herrera

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