Volume X. Number 2. October 2020

2020 has turned out to be a really different and complicated year. Science is also being affected by the situation caused by Covid 19. We all hope that it is precisely Science that allows us to reverse this situation through research and that an effective vaccine against this virus is achieved.Our Magazine continues to receive very interesting works that we want to share with all the public interested in mathematics, in its applications, curiosities, research or entertainment. This issue brings us several articles that we are sure you will find interesting.

Title: Créditos editoriales, Índice de artículos y Editorial del Número 2 (Vol. X)
Author: Equipo Editorial
Investigation The application of regression models is a paradigm that is constantly evolving in most countries. In the present investigation, use is made of multi-objective regression models in the prediction of the phytochemical components of two plant varieties used in animal nutrition. An instance-based algorithm was used for this variant. The learning of this model was evaluated to determine the quality of the predictions and finally the prediction models for both varieties were obtained.
Title: Aplicación de la regresión de múltiples objetivos en la estimación de componentes Fitoquí­micos
Authors: Pedro Manuel Estrada Jiménez, Pedro Jorge Noguera López, Raúl Recio Avilés
The human brain is a complex system that progressively ages, reaches a generalized synchronization (epilepsy), degenerates (dementias) or simply projects genetic preconditioning. In the present work a brief study is made about certain patterns derived from electroencephalographic signals, taking into account Renyi’s Entropy, as a measure of the disorder. These patterns allow differentiating a patient considered healthy from a patient with a neurological disorder. The results obtained contribute to the early diagnosis of certain neurological conditions. In addition, some mathematical techniques are used to facilitate the interpretation of the results by clinical specialists.
Title: La entropí­a de Renyí­: Una herramienta matemática para el diagnóstico neurogenerativo Authors: Marlene Leyva Martí­nez, Luis Manuel Dí­az Granado Bricuyet, Aidara Carrazana Aguilar
By means of a theoretical development of lecture, we provide a characterization of the Goldbach Conjecture in an infinite set of even numbers in terms of gradients of deformed hyperbolas
Title: Hyperbolic classification of natural numbers and Goldbach Conjecture
Author: Fernando Revilla Jiménez
Teaching Experiences This article aims to provide an insight into how problem solving by various arithmetic routes can be used to provide cultural information to students; it offers facts about painters, sculptors, writers, scientists, and works of art that can increase the store of knowledge, while at the same time delving into arithmetic problem solving procedures.
Title: La información cultural de los estudiantes desde la resolución de problemas aritméticos
Authors: Eduardo Miguel Pérez Almarales, Edel Ernesto Pérez Almarales, Miguel Oscar Almarales Milán, Inés Marí­a Lago Guerrero
Many times in the educational practice Cuban students present difficulties in the resolution of Space Geometry problems. Sometimes this is due to the limited spatial imagination they possess, however, the vast majority of the problems presented in Pre-university Education are facilitated if the figure is projected on the horizontal and vertical planes. In this article we intend to show a procedure to solve problems of calculation of bodies using their projections, which also allows students to deepen in basic elements of Plane Geometry.
Title: El uso de las proyecciones en la resolución de problemas de geometrí­a del espacio
Authors: Eduardo Miguel Pérez Almarales, Edel Ernesto Pérez Almarales, Miguel Oscar Almarales Milán, Inés Marí­a Lago Guerrero
History of Mathematics With the aim of presenting an outstanding female referent to society, by virtue of the enormous academic merits she achieved and the difficulties of all kinds, both economic and gender she had to overcome to obtain them, the biography of Antonia Ferrín Moreiras, from Ourense, a graduate and doctor in Mathematics (Astronomy) and also a national teacher and graduate in Chemistry and Pharmacy in the first decade of the last century, is shown.
Title: Antonia Ferrí­n Moreiras, maestra nacional, quí­mica, farmacéutica y matemática, un notable ejemplo para las mujeres actuales
Author: Juan Núñez Valdés
Games and Mathematical Oddities This paper presents a historical summary of the various notations that have been used to record chess games, from a geometric approach, where the developed coordinate systems are discussed. In addition, analyses are made in which the chessboard is considered as a Cartesian plane, as well as the vectorial component that the pieces present and the importance for the game plans. Finally, curiosities about the game and mathematics are presented, highlighting the figure of Euler.
Title: Las matemáticas en la notación de ajedrez
Authors: Ronnie Torres Hugues, Yudeimys Ymas Dávila, Enrique Nieves Santana
At the beginning of the 20th century, the magician Bob Hummer included in his show a novel card magic game which he called: Hummer’s great discovery. A game of the so-called automatic or mathematical that in this article is described and explained in detail. It is a game and at the same time a mathematical rarity.
Title: El Gran Descubrimiento de Hummer
Author: David Almorza
Mathematical Stories This article shows one of the stories submitted to the contest of stories with mathematical content organized by the GIE (Grupo de Innovación Educativa) Pensamiento Matemático of the UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), for students of ESO, Bachillerato and university students. The play on words and the concepts that appear in it are very beautiful. Everyday and technical language come together in an almost poetic story.
Title: Obsesionado con su imagen
Author: Marta Marí­a Paz Rodrí­guez
Crí­tics and Reviews This is the review of an original play created by the Educational Innovation Group (GIE) Mathematical Thinking of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) has been performed on several occasions. It is an educational innovation project that has tried to use theater as a tool to approach mathematics and as a stimulus for the development of logical-mathematical thinking and teamwork.
Title: e-pi-log-0: Teatro interactivo. Un show inteligente para ayudar a enseñar
Author: GIE Pensamiento Matemático
Interview Luis Balbuena has dedicated his life to the teaching of Mathematics, always with enthusiasm, efficiency and tenacity. In the Canary Islands he has created a powerful Mathematical Society, an interesting magazine: Números, a Museum of Mathematics… In this interview he gives us a historical vision of the beginnings of the associative movement in Spain in the teaching of Mathematics, which goes back in time, but is still valid today.
Title: Luis Balbuena, un tenaz docente con la Educación Matemática en los talones
Author: Adela Salvador


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