Publishing Guidelines

All those interested in publishing in Pensamiento Matemático must comply with a series of rules and requirements in order to achieve homogeneity in the publication.

General Rules

  1. Papers to be published should be submitted using the Article Submission Form. They must be original and not be in the process of publication in any other journal. The originals should be sent in editable format (*.tex, *.doc or *.odt) along with the images included in the article.
  2. There is no limitation on the length of the papers, however it is recommended not to exceed 25-30 pages including notes, tables, graphs, figures and bibliography, and they must necessarily be sent in a layout using the pre-established templates. In order for the papers to be indexed for search engine optimization, the articles (whenever possible) should include an abstract of no more than 4-6 lines and a series of keywords.
    • There are three templates, in MS Word format, in LaTeX, and in OpenOffice Writer, and they can be downloaded in a compressed file here. It is essential that the article submitted has both an Abstract and Keywords in Spanish, as well as an Abstract and Keywords in English, as presented in the templates. Those who wish, can view a Demonstration Video on how to use our LaTeX template.
    • The attached photos and/or images should have a minimum quality of 150 dpi, and as far as possible images will be provided in vector format (*.svg, *.eps, pstricks code in LaTeX,…) including if necessary a caption with your name. The images will be embedded in the text according to the appropriate position that corresponds to them.
  3. Being aware of the international character of the journal, it is essential that when the authors refer to a specific national education system, this should be expressly stated and that whenever an educational level is involved, the normal age of the students should be indicated, which will allow comparison with the reader’s national education system.
  4. The identification data of the authors must appear in the communication through the form that the Editorial Committee has pre-established. Name, e-mail address, postal address, and institution must be included in the form.
  5. It is essential that all research papers have a reference to the bibliography consulted. The format will be as pre-established in the templates provided in section 2, with the references ordered alphabetically by surname(s) of the author(s)
  6. The articles received will be submitted to an anonymous evaluation process carried out by two external evaluators. As a result, the Editorial Committee will decide whether the paper will be published, with or without modifications, or not published. The author will receive the reviewers’ comments and will be notified of the Editorial Committee’s decision. If, in the opinion of the reviewers, the paper can be published with modifications, it will be returned to the author with the referees’ comments. The author must answer if he/she agrees with the proposed changes, committing to send a revised version, indicating the changes made, within a period of no more than 3 months. If it is not received within this period, the Editorial Committee will assume that the author has withdrawn his/her intention to publish in the Journal.
  7. All accepted papers will be published on the website every six months. There is no limitation on the number of articles per issue. There are no membership, publication or any other fees.

Ethical responsibilities for publication

It is the responsibility and duty of the editorial staff of the journal to remind its contributors of the following points:

  1. The article must be original and not have been previously published. Furthermore, it will not be submitted to any other journal during the review process and, if accepted by this journal, the commercial rights to the article become the property of the journal and the article may not be submitted or published in any other journal, book, or written or digital publication unless written permission is requested from Pensamiento Matemático.
  2. The Journal expects authors to declare any commercial association that may involve a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article. In addition, if any institution has funded the research that is the subject of the publication, permission must be obtained from that institution.
  3. To have participated in the conception and execution of the work that has resulted in the article in questionOnly those persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should be included in the list of authors. Having helped in the collection of data or having participated in any technique are not, by themselves, sufficient criteria to be listed as an author. In general, to be listed as an author, the following requirements must be met:
    • To have participated in the drafting of the text and possible revisions of the same.
    • To have been involved in the drafting of the text and possible revisions of the same.
    • To have approved the version that is finally to be published.
  4. The Journal is not responsible for the contents of the published articles. The nature of the contents exposed in them are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the author(s). Pensamiento Matemático declines in the same the total responsibility of their opinions.
  5. It is the responsibility of the authors that the texts sent strictly conform to the legality of any publication relating to copyright.

Plagiarism detection

For plagiarism checking and other forms of similar text detection, the journal relies on open source software such as Plagiarisma, PlagScan, Quetext and Viper.

Conditions of Publication

Once the article has been accepted for publication in Pensamiento Matemático, a letter of authorship, submission, declaration of conflict of interest and assignment of intellectual property rights must be sent to , following the template provided. The author must accept the Editorial Ethics Policies, Editorial Statement of Malpractice and Plagiarism Detection of our publication.

Published articles may be downloaded and printed for personal use, and may be reproduced in full or in part in print or digital format for educational, research or personal use, provided that it is not for profit or commercial purposes.

The Journal declines any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works published in it. By including an article in the Revista Pensamiento Matemático, the author/s accepts its conditions and authorizes the reproduction of the article in this web site.