
The Journal of Educational Research and Innovation “Pensamiento Matemático” (PM) is the journal of the Grupo de Investigación Matemática Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil -Applied Mathematics to Civil Engineering Research Group- (MAIC) and the Grupo de Innovación Educativa -Educational Innovation Group- (GIE) “Pensamiento Matemático”, both of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid -Polytechnic University of Madrid- (UPM).

It is an online free access scientific publication, biannual until 2021 and anual thereafter. It is currently run through the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos of the UPM (Madrid, Spain).

Its main purpose is to contribute to the scientific and educational advance in the field of mathematics, by presenting research and innovation papers carried out in the teaching of this science, which therefore contributes to the professional development of the teachers.

It consists of seven differentiated sections in which it is possible to find any subject related to the didactics of mathematics at both an accessible and educational level; subjects about classroom activities, mathematics history, analytical development, transmission of research results, interviews, reviews on works related to mathematics,…

  1. Research: It includes research work on any field of mathematics. Articles must have a generalist approach so that they can be understood by non-expert readers on the subject.
  2. Teaching Experiences: This section is proposed as a meeting point for the exchange of innovation and/or research experiences and for the relationship between professors and all those who are interested in the teaching of mathematics.
  3. History of Mathematics: This section talks about mathematical studies and its applications, and articles of Mathematics History which contain research on the great mathematicians and their contributions.
  4. Games and Mathematical Oddities: Mathematical challenges turn out to be a interesting complementary material to train our thinking skill. In this section there are proposals which strengthen our mathematical thinking, besides curiosities and entertainment games related to this science.
  5. Mathematics for sustainability: This section includes works where mathematics is put at the service of sustainability, contributing to the optimization of economic, environmental and social aspects.
  6. Mathematics Stories: Narration of chronicles, short stories, anecdotes, or educational tales having mathematics as a backdrop.
  7. Critics and reviews: This section is dedicated to gather presentations, commentaries and reviews of books, journals, texts, films and activities all related to Mathematics.
  8. Interviews: It includes talks with science professional where they discuss and present their viewpoints, approaches and future of Science.

The sections are spaces with continuity as a whole but independent in each number.

Any person can write an article as long as s/he meets the established guidelines and has got the accuracy which characterizes our science. (Publishing Guidelines)

GIE Pensamiento Matemático And MAIC Research Group

The MAIC Research Group is an acknowledged and consolidated research group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid created on July 14th of 2005. Their main lines of research are: Applied Mathematics to Civil Engineering, Applied Geometrical Patterns, Theory of Games, Number Theory, Algorithms and Computation, Fuzzy Logic and Statistics.

The Educational Innovation Group (GIE) Pensamiento Matemático had its origin in the work that the research group of the UPM “Matemática Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil” (MAIC) had been carried out ever since its creation on subjects of educational innovation and mathematics didactics. It is made up of university professors and secondary school teachers. Their main goals are:

  1. To help students of all ages to revert their unwillingness and discomfort, as well as improve their performance in this subject, which is essential for both their intellectual training and personal progress.
  2. Students’ approach to university.
  3. To promote research work in mathematics and disseminate it in a clear and easy way to teachers and people who are interested in this science.
  4. Its educational programme is a pedagogical innovation proposal in the field of mathematics teaching.